Yes, I’m late again posting this blog for the same lame excuse, busy with work. But hey, at least I post it. :p
This was a Valentine’s Day celebration at Kent Island Christian School. The school called it “Love Your Neighbors Day”.

Yes, I’m late again posting this blog for the same lame excuse, busy with work. But hey, at least I post it. :p
This was a Valentine’s Day celebration at Kent Island Christian School. The school called it “Love Your Neighbors Day”.
The winter has been mostly warm during the beginning of the season until finally it snowed one day in January. The snow wasn’t high, but schools including Queen Anne’s County decided to close anyway. Marcell joined Camden for sledding at the K-Mart Stevensville Park and Ride. There were slopes surrounding the parking lot. The place had been a common place for sledding. Marcell also met new friends, Cooper and Jake.
This is my second year covering the “After the Holidays Gala” event hosted by The Tapestry Church. I guess they liked the results from the first one and liked working with me so that they hired me again for this year. As always, it was a lot of fun covering their annual event.
This fund raising event was held at Rockville this year. The venue was smaller than last year, but it did not hold back the guests to have fun. 🙂
Pastor Dustin explaining the purpose of the event.
Clarine and Danny’s wedding was my first destination wedding. It was in Ontario, California (no not Ontario, Canada. 🙂 ), which is about 40 minutes west of Los Angeles.
It’s in a desert/mountain region in San Bernardino County, so they have very hot summer, but often get cold nights during winter. That’s why you see the snow/ice cap on some of the high mountains. The mountain scenery is quite breathtaking there.
Taking pictures during an event, trying to capture important moments, is half the battle. My job doesn’t stop at the end of the event. There’s still so much to do!
Consumer or Prosumer cameras will usually give finished images, so the user will not have to do any post processing to the images. The resulting images are usually satisfactory unless they encounter difficult lighthing situations. On the other hand, professional cameras, depending on the settings, usually give raw image which looks bland. This is actually intentional since professional photographers have different styles and will want the finished images to have a certain look that seems “cool” to them. 🙂
Let’s use the analogy of professional chefs. They wouldn’t want a finished or half finished cuisine to work on, right? They would want to start from raw ingredients, so they will be free to do whatever they want according to their own styles.
I will not talk about my style here. For this article, I want to show how I usually do my post processing.
This is a sample of a raw image, straight from the camera.
I love the fresh approach! Great work!
It was one super chilly day on that day early in December. If I remember correctly, the temperature was at or below freezing point. On top of that, the wind was really gusty which made it worse. Of all the days, they had to pick that day for the engagement photo session. I thought, after the forecast, they were going to postpone it. Unfortunately not, the “show” had to go on. I became sick afterward. 🙁
Oh well, I had fun though. Naomi and Dhimas gave me few ideas, and I direct them. I sure appreciated getting original concept and ideas.
We started the session from Glenmont, Maryland.
Le, very nicely done! Mesra abieeezzzsss poto2nya! Anyway, I really enjoyed the photo session as well as the pictures. Looking forward to the wonderfull wedding pictures 🙂
Hihihi… jd malu =^_^= I didn’t know I have that romantic side. As Ira said, very niiiicceee…..!
Mungkin sudah terlambat untuk kasih comment ya?
Anyway, saya ckp kaget melihat sisi romantisnya Dhimas, Hahahahah.
Atau karena sesuai permintaan? Heheheeh
Tp saya senang melihat kebahagiaan mereka.
GBU all, Naomi, Dhimas.
Juga Ira, Leo dan Patricia
Back in early November, I was asked by my friend to do interior shots of a new hotel/condo in Washington DC. The images would be used on their Web site and other promotional materials.
The hotel is called The Eldon. The location is very strategic, only 1/2 block from the Washington DC Convention Center.
This is the front desk area.
The family portrait session was on November 1st in Kent Island, Maryland. We were so lucky (i.e. blessed) that it was warm on that day, because just a few days before, it was pretty cold.
Steph asked me whether their clothes should be color coordinated. I said that it’s not necessary, but would be better if they could. It turned out that she did a great job picking the colors for the whole family. The colors sure matched the fall season color palette. 🙂
great portrait shots, le!
i think this is my favorite album of all your works
anak-anak memang tidak henti mengalir inspirasi untuk difoto…
So cool…
Here is the second part of the day.
The children went outside again to play some games. They were divided into three teams. In the first game, the children were paired with a team member on their back and had to run sideways to the finish line before the next pair could run.
Wah, ramai yah. Bisa dibayangkan berkesan untuk Marcell.
Ppengambilan fotonya bagus, dan jelas. Komentar-komentarnya juga berkesan. Mestinya bertanggal semua, bukan?