Jennifer and Ryan met the first time during high school years at a drive thru at a fast food restaurant. Hint: it’s not a burger nor chicken restaurant. 🙂 Then they went to college together.
Finally in Spring this year, Ryan proposed to Jennifer during fireworks at Disney World. It sure seemed like a magical moment! Way totally different than the drive thru 🙂
This engaged couple share a lot of common interests. They love the water and seafood. They especially love a particular seafood which you’ll see from the pictures below.

Hint 1… this is the vessel that is usually used to catch those yummy creatures…

Hint 2… should be pretty obvious by now… 🙂

Hint 3… In case you only noticed the beautiful engagement ring on Hint 2, here’s another image below… 😀

Yes folks… Jennifer and Ryan looovee eating Maryland or blue crabs. They love crabbing as well.
The boats you see in these pics are crabbing boats. 🙂

And of course they love each other. 🙂

Jennifer and Ryan picked an awesomely unique wedding date, 9/10/11. Yup, September 10, 2011. Cool, eh?
I love September weddings. Why? Well because my wedding anniversary is on September too! So that’s pretty bias I guess. Haha…
Congratulations Jennifer and Ryan! I can’t wait to do your wedding. 🙂
Leo Dj
Love the pictures and the photographer’s comments. Of course he had excellent subject material.
Really beautiful pictures. We can’t wait for the wedding!