Back in summer, I got a call from Finland. I thought my ears deceived me :D, but yup she said that she’s calling from Finland. Hannaliina said that she searched for a Kent Island wedding photographer, found me, and really liked my photography style. Since I was driving at the time, I asked her to call back later or email me. She said that her fiancee lived in Maryland and would call me.
I then got to know Daniel through email, phone conversation, and a face-to-face meeting. I didn’t get to meet Hannaliina until the wedding day.
Then came the wedding day on September. It was small and intimate. No wedding guests. Almost like an intimate destination wedding. Then again, it was a destination wedding for Hannaliina. 🙂 The ceremony was short and sweet. So we spent the rest of the times doing a private bride and groom photo session. Which what I loved to do! I get to pick the places and the settings. 🙂
We did the photography sessions at Love Point, at an abandoned structure in Kent Island, and at Terrapin Nature Park beach (one of the beach on Chesapeake Bay). I had thought about doing a session at Annapolis, but there wouldn’t be enough time and thought that it would be less intimate there.
As you can see from these pictures below, it’s like having the whole world for just the two of them. Pretty romantic is isn’t it? 🙂

By the way, during the session, I accidentally dropped of one my lens hood and didn’t realized it until later. We were riding together in Daniel’s car and they were so kind to offer me to drive back to the spot and helped me find the hood. We found the hood! 😀
Congratulations Hannaliina and Daniel! I wish you both a happy marriage forever. 🙂
Leo Dj
Selamat atas blog barunya Leo! 🙂